Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Suprise Santa!

So here it is a day before Christmas eve, and a nurse and her two daughters delivered presents to all my kids.  I find that they are such a blessing for one I have six kids, that in its self is so amazing that someone would take from there own kids to give to kids that don't have much.  I mean we survive and we have things but we struggle every month.  This wonderful nurse from the hospital that was helping not only help my husband has also blessed my kids with such a wonderful Christmas.  I don't know what to say.  I had given up on people and sometimes I come across people such as her and her family and I think maybe just maybe I am wrong.  Cause how would someone so blessed come into my life like something that happened.  This has been the worst month ever and so many things have happened and all that we are going through she made my kids Christmas amazing.  I don't mean she did things that were small she basically bought them a whole new wardrobe and all new toys and big toys.  I mean I could never thank her enough, so then I think what could I do in return to pay it forward.  I don't have money to do this but I would like to help someone like that.  I wonder sometimes how god has showed me that he is right here with my family.  Even though were are faced with these trials we go through, and lessons, maybe there is a point to traveling this road.  Maybe this world isn't cruel, I just need to open my eyes and trust that people do have good.  I have just not helped them find it in them.  I don't think all people are bad, but I think maybe what if I just smiled or said hello to someone, or said bless you when someone sneezed or did something funny just to brighten there day.  I think things could look up for everyone.  So I look forward to some change and I just want to say to everyone out there to have a wonderful Christmas and remember what its all about life is to short to dwell in the past and keeping grudges could change you and not them.  Lets all move forward and see where that takes us.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


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