Monday, December 22, 2014

Life these days!

I have been through so much this year.  Here is a little bit about me and my family.  We (me and my husband) have been married for 13 years now, we have six beautiful children.  Life has been good at times, we have had so much and we are very blessed.  The last few years we have had a hard time.  I had some medical issues and now am on social security disability.  My husband then lost his jobs for spine (back and neck) issues.  He had to have two surgeries the first one was a disc replacement in his neck it was experimental and it had only been on nine people.  He then was taken back to them for intense pain and found out it slipped and was sitting on his spinal cord.  They went back in and took it out and then just fused his neck.  He has permanent nerve damage and now he has pain in his leg and other arm.  Now they have found a chiari malformation in his brain, which needs a second opinion.   So things have been intense, we live on very little money and with the holidays coming it has been depressing, knowing we cant do anything for our kids.  Then my husband was taken to the emergency room for heart issues, and the nurse that was helping him, asked if she could adopt our family for Christmas.  I have never felt so blessed, it is like amazing how someone, I don't know her family situation but to put out money for six kids is amazing and such a blessing.  I have a hard time dealing with someone doing something for me and makes me feel like someone up there is really watching out for me.  So I want to do something for her family to say thank you but I of course have no money for presents or even thank you cards.  So I was thinking of cooking something and maybe having the kids making there family a Christmas card.  I love to cook and bake things but I don't know if that would take away what she has done for our kids.  I don't want her to feel like I am taking away from what she is doing.  I just want her to know that we are so blessed to have such a beautiful family to bless a very large family with such a great gift.  I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas.


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