Friday, December 26, 2014

Business as usual!

Do you ever have that sleep, where you are sleeping so good you don't hear anything, feel anything and don't remember having any dreams.  Yeah me either lol, no I finally fell asleep about five in the morning.  Then I hear this pounding on the door, so my husband gets up and answers it, its our neighbor paying us back.  Okay that is fine and all but she calls like so many times I don't know why they couldn't wait till we were up.  The kids were all asleep finally we were all just rocking some sleep and bam here comes my neighbor.  Anyways so I am up now and decided I need to just get this bill that is going to get our gas shut off (no hot water) a call and find out what is going on because we were given one thing and then another comes in saying something else and let me tell ya the second one I was hoping was a mistake cause there is no way we could have paid that off.  So we are trying to give ourselves just an hour to wake up so that we can go pay this bill and keep it from being turned off.  Then lets hope that our car starts to go do this otherwise we have to go get a jump from the neighbor again just to do it.  Man this year has just been a real bad one.  Sometimes I wonder if we would be okay if I went back to work but then I remember no one will hire me because of my seizures, its to much of a risk to them.  I mean I don't blame them if I was the boss I might not hire me either but let me tell you social security disability doesn't pay to be on it.  I make enough to cover rent and one bill.  Which is probably why one of our bills is at disconnect because I have to pay them every other month. I pick one bill to pay one month then another the next month and of course water has to be paid every month cause they don't mess around if you get turned off that's that.  You also cant ask for an exstension except for once a year once you have used that you are screwed.  I know to some of you this doesn't seem like the ultimate way to live but it is what it is.  I can only do so much I am hoping that my husband with all his medical junk gets approved soon and we no longer have to do this.  I would like to just not have to worry about what is going to get shut off next and just pay our bills every month.  So now that you all know my problems its time for me to move on with the day.  Blog with you later. 


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