Saturday, December 27, 2014

Lazy Day

  Well today has been quit a day.  To update you all we did get that bill taken care of I still owe them more money but it wont get shut off so that is a good thing.  I spent today relaxing with my husband and kids.  We got to watch movies and actually take a nap.  So far we have watched thor which is such a great movie.  I love the super hero movies and if you have seen thor and you are a woman who loves action and thor who is played by a super sexy hero then you know why I love this movie.  My all time favorite hero movie though is iron man.  I love the action and his super cocky attitude he makes me laugh.  He reminds me a lot of my husband.  He cracks me up all the time.  I also love the avengers movie which of course has thor, iron man, black widow, thor, and so many more.  I love that it has something for everyone.  I cant wait for the next one.  I do have to say though that I love hulk in the avengers movie especially the part where he takes loki and pumbles him back and forth and says puny god lol.  Such a great part but there are other parts I love in it to.  Anyways so we are watching iron man now.  I am up so late because of course I took a nap but I also enjoy spending time with my family when we have no worries because they are few and far between. 

  My husband today also wrote a post about our families coming to see us.  We live on the outskirts of ohio and we have been in closer where family is so many times to help through ruff times or just to visit right now though we cant because of so many things going on.  The thing is and my husband wrote this is we have six kids yet none of our family has ever come to visit us here at our home.  We can pick up and leave and go see all of them some only having 2 kids or none.  Yet none of them can come to see us.  They are all better off then us as well.  Having there own businesses and such.  Making good money.  Yet they never are near to help us or come to see us.  I really hate saying anything because maybe they aren't doing as good as they say no one wants to let out all there goings on, but what is the deal, why are we always the ones to pack up six kids and travel almost two hours one way to see them and then most of the time we are putting out money to eat there buy them groceries or doing for them, yet none will take the time to even call us to see how we are doing.  I always make sure I call on every birthday to all family members and I also just write randomly to see how they are doing.  Thank god we have my husbands mom who trys to make a visit every year.  I don't know maybe it is useless to say anything or complain.

  So we are going to just enjoy our time.  We are going to take the kids on the first of January to go shopping with there Christmas money.  I hope they all get something they really want.  I am totally excited to see what they want to get with there own money.  I mean they got lots of clothes this Christmas simply because they needed that but also I only have two little ones who really play with toys.  So it will be interesting to see what they all get.  My 17 year old wants to take her money and get mcdonalds but I think that is kind of a waste I mean we don't eat out a lot but or really ever but I don't think that is a good way of spending her money.  She could do so many more positive things with it.  Like going to the movies which we don't do cause lets be real just to go is almost eighty dollars for us and then don't even get me started on the snack booth.  I mean really four dollars for a large coke and then they want like six bucks for popcorn.  We as a family have to spend almost a hundred and fifty dollars to go.  I think that it is a rip off to charge people that to see a movie and anyways we just buy the movie if we like it on blu ray anyways so whats the use in doing that.  Its a complete waste of money.

  So now that I am here emptying all my stuff online to a bunch of strangers though it does make me feel better lol.  I thank you all for listening to my ramblings.  I hope you all enjoy my blog and if you want to read about anything on our family, I am an open book right now just leave a comment on what you would like to know.  Have a great night and good day tomorrow.  Night.


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