Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Breakfast at Tiffany's

So I was a late bloomer this morning but I awoke at 11:30 a.m. which was such a luxury when you have as many kids as we do lol.  Anyways I got my coffee and then my hubby was looking through Netflix movies and we came across Breakfast at Tiffany's.  Now I assume you all have seen it, yet I sit here explaining to my hubby that I have never seen it.  Now if you know us we have a dvd collection of 5,000 movies not including blu rays and vhs.  So he found this very hard to believe.  So we started watching it.  I find that I liked the movie right away.  It has a beautiful woman, who is very peculiar, she seems to talk about all kinds of things but none seem to really matter at any point.  As we went through the movie I noticed how she had highlights and I think how so many people now love to have highlights.  Then I see all these beautiful hats and wonder when will this all come back into style but with a twist.  It seems that everything that is worn now a days seem to have a bit of a twist.  Just like the highlights now have color like pink, blue, or purple.  I also noticed in this movie that they go to tiffany's.  Now we all know I am not a rich person of course not I have six kids.  Anyways I found the store in the movie to look horrible and not that inviting, now I have never been to one now but I didn't exactly understand what was so great about the store to her.  She does explain in the movie that diamonds were not her thing because she felt they were for older women, so what is all the hype then about it.  I guess maybe the fact that its all the jewelry in it.  I then find that she is such a great actress, you could generally feel that she could very be this person playing in the movie.  I mean don't get me wrong I obviously love movies based on our collection but a lot of the movies that come out now don't have a lot of feeling in them like in them days lol.  I mean you feel something when you watch these movies, they generally tell a good story and its believable.  I cant really wrap my hands around all the new actors and actresses these days.  I mean I love me some Arnold, and Sylvester, and Mel gibbson, and goldie hawn.  There movies to me are just classics.  My husband on the other hand is a lover of the 80's, so he collects all the movies in that genre.  I love most of them but he also loves some romances and I just cant seem to indulge in them to me they are so whiny and wanting and I just cant stand to watch them and cry.  Who wants all those feelings.  I would rather watch a good action, horror or comedy.  I mean I want something to motivate me like the rocky movies or a good comedy such as the madea movies.  I mean come on does she (he) lol not make you laugh at the things she says, yet the reason it makes you laugh is cause you have done this or someone you know has.  I don't know I guess I will continue to think on this but overall the breakfast at tiffany's was pretty awesome just another addition to come to our happy home.


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