Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas Day!

Well our day is finally almost over.  It went so well, everyone had a great day, the kids loved there gifts and me and the hubby feel accomplished.  I am so thankful for all those around us that have helped us out through the year.  We have had such a horrible year this year and I feel like it has really knocked the air out of us.  I feel like we are trying to come up for air but someone is holding us down.  I now know that we are not alone and all those times that we were being kicked while were down there was another door there to get away.  Anyways so we survived Christmas day and it was a hit.  We didn't get to have a big meal but we did get a meal, I threw some tuna casserole together and we all had a great time talking and saying what we were thankful for.  I wouldn't and couldn't ask for anymore.  I am very thankful that I have six beautiful children and a husband who helps me everyday.  We have walked through fire and come out standing unburned.  I appreciate all that have helped me and got us through this year.  I want to especially give a thanks to my mother in law who has been there for us in so many ways.  Just not here in this year but through out our marriage.  You don't find many women like that so willing to take in someone and make her yours.  I also want to publicly say thank you to our santa this year who saved us, she adopted our family and provided my kids with such a beautiful Christmas.  Without her my kids would have only gotten one present maybe.  It is so wonderful to know that there are people out there to help people like me.  I am no bible beater but I do have my beliefs and I do believe in god.  I know that he has been watching over our family because if he wasn't we wouldn't have made it through the year with all we have still.  We may have to sell our things but I do have to say we are still blessed with all we have.  There are tons of people with a lot worse.  So to our secret santa who I have no name or number or address for I say thank you to you and your daughters you are such a blessing.  I also say thank you to god for getting us through this year in one piece.  I also want to give my husband a shout out to, though we may have our problems or arguments, you have been through so much this year, that I don't know how you are still keeping strong, but that is what I admire about you, I love you so much and I hope that 2015 brings you better news and is not so hard on you.  This man has been a rock this year and made it through some pretty thick mud but we are still here and still taking care of business.  Love my family and kisses to them for being so great.


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