Thursday, December 25, 2014

Day after christmas

Here it is almost two in the morning the day after Christmas.  I cant sleep and its probably because tomorrow we have to get back to real life and figure out how to keep our water on.  I have fifty dollars that I have won in gift cards playing instant win games but that is not even near or going to touch what we need to pay.  So I am hesitant to go to bed I mean how did this happen is all I keep thinking.  But then there is always the upside that we do have a roof over our head and water and all the amenities that you need to be comfortable in life.  Its just you know in summer we can go without hot water cause its so hot a nice cold shower isn't to bad especially if you do it at the hottest part of the day.  The only thing is its winter and no hot water wont work here.  So what do I do I am going to try and talk to them about options to getting this paid off, but I only make so much a month and well its not even covering my bills monthly not including the gas money I have to pay to drive my daughter back and forth to school.  Which is sad because sometimes I cant take her the last two weeks of the school week cause we cant afford the gas to take her.  Then I am also thankful because she can do her school work online so that is a saver.  Anyways so tomorrow I am hoping that the car will stop cause the kids would like to spend there Christmas money they received.  I hope that they are truly happy with what they got, but god has blessed me with six beautiful children that are so appreciative with what they have and they aren't selfish at all.  I hope that my children stay humble and grow to have great jobs that don't kill them or they hate.  I also hope that they one day help others in need knowing what they went through I hope that they in turn would not want anyone else to suffer that either but I also hope that they don't get taken advantage of either.  There father and I have tried so hard to instill good values and respect and to be thankful for all they have because it can all be gone in a blink of an eye.  Anyways I am rambling I so hope whoever out there is not thinking omg this girl can ramble lol.  So I sit here and I am watching old dogs, I love this movie its so funny so I should get off here and go enjoy it.  I hope you all have a wonderful day and if your looking for any great deals let me know cause not only is blogging an interest for me I am also crazy for freebies and deals like the extreme couponers I am a sucker for freebies and deals and oh giveaways but I have to say I have won a pretty penny doing them.  Its such a great feeling to win something after trying and thinking oh what the heck I will see if this is real and BAM I win 25 bucks yee haw.  Alright everyone goodnight and I will be back blogging tomorrow.  Night.


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